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Don't be Someone else

In Order to be irreplaceable one must always be different;said eccentric,pioneering French designer Coco Chanel

From the beginning of her career defied convention. She didn't like the way women were forced to be uncomfortable to look fashionable . She didn't like corsets, so she replaced them with casual elegance and comfort.She was heavily attacked by the fashion press , but was unrepentant: Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise, it is not luxury. Her new vision made her one of the most important figures in the history of fashion.

In the nineteen-twenties and thirties, she popularised sporty, casual chic. Her little black dresses and trademark suits were timeless designs that are still popular today. people laughed at the way she dressed but that was the secret of her success: she didn't look like anyone else.The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud, she said: Her  first success was a dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. Many people asked where she'd bought it. Her response was to offer to make one for them. My fortune is built on that old jersey that I'd put on because it was cold in Deauville, She said. Chanel's work radiates with her defiance to be completely herself.
Like Chanel, you have to make the most of your uniqueness.Nobody else can draw from childhood and teenage experiences, from your schooldays , or your parents.

Everyone is searching for originality. Ironically, it is right there within them, but most people are too busy being someone else. Creative people are prepared to be themselves. They make the most of their own experiences, whether good or bad. The advantage of being themselves is that they are original. There is no like them. this makes whatever they do unique.

WE SPEND MUCH OF OUR LIVES NOT BEING WHO WE REALLY ARE. There are huge pressures on everyone to be someone else; to live up to others expectations to be a perfect perant, obeient employee, selfless partner or hight achieving daughter or son. we lose the ability to be good at being ourselves, and we forget who we are. The worldis pushing constantly to sumerge you in orthodoxy, to make you indistinguishable from everybody else. To fight against it is to be involved in a lifelong struggle.

To be successfully creative you have to relise it's OK to be yourself.we all have weaknesses and strengths; creative accept them and use them both.The biggest benefit you can be to your company, school, business or family is accentuate what is special and unique about yourself.That's difficult in a society that puts huge emphasis on conformity.

everyone needs to analys and understand what makes thim tick, like taking a clock apart to discover how it works.
Self-knowledge will help you to understand what you have to offer that's special . Ask yourself, What is the best idea l've ever had? How did it come about? When am i at my most creative? Nuture your individual approach and personality. it is more important to be the best version of yourself than a bad copy of someone else.



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